Commercial Real Estate, Capital, Insurance, Leasing & Management

Wellness trends have health care CEOs honing in on retail real estate strategies

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Retail leasing expert Brian Bern joined Tampa Bay Business Journal's CRE and Health Care Roundtable.

Excerpted from Tampa Bay Business Journal story.

The Tampa Bay Business Journal hosts private invite-only roundtable discussions on certain sectors. Late last month, the topic was health care and real estate. TBBJ Senior Reporter Ashley Gurbal Kritzer organized and moderated the discussion.

TBBJ: Brian, I know that in shopping centers you’re seeing a lot of activity from health care users. 

Brian Bern: Retail and health care are a really good marriage. It’s refreshing to sit on this panel and hear that they’re worried about the experience like retail is. So with a lot of the retailers that have struggled over the last few years and closed, we’re embracing the medical side, medical tenants and wellness tenants. 

We’re realizing that retail is placed close to the consumer where a lot of your patients are; we’re easier to access. We have awesome parking. We’ve got great visibility. And we’ve got co-tenancy, too. To me, it seems like it’s a great solution, and it’s going to continue to grow. We’ll see a lot more medical and retail marriages together.

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