Commercial Real Estate, Capital, Insurance, Leasing & Management

Tough Mudder Bootcamp Coming To Atlanta With Up To 30 Locations

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Greg Eisenman, senior director of retail tenant services, discusses Tough Mudder Bootcamp's entry into Atlanta's retail fitness market.

Excerpted from Bisnow story.

Franklin Street Senior Director Greg Eisenman said he does not expect the influx of new boutique fitness studios to slow down anytime soon in Atlanta. But, like any other major retail trend, it will eventually exhaust itself.

Part of the key for a successful studio is with the instructors. Their personalities and ability to lure in customers is critical to a studio’s success. But there are also a limited number of such professionals in any one market.

“In order to be successful, you [have] to have really good trainers. And these trainers become mini-celebrities,” he said. “There will come a point where there’s just too much and the market saturates.” 

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