Commercial Real Estate, Capital, Insurance, Leasing & Management

Real Estate Investors Continue To Roll Dice On Disaster-Prone Assets

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Despite the risks posed by natural disasters, investors continue to place bets on real estate, because so far, property’s profitability has been worth it. But as the damage toll goes up, the safety net of insurance may be pulled back, and CRE may no longer be worth the risk. Franklin Street Director of Multifamily Investment Sales Hernando Perez told Bisnow that several investors initiated conversations to pull out of South Florida following Hurricane Irma.

Excerpted from Bisnow story.

Franklin Street Director of Multifamily Investment Sales Hernando Perez previously told Bisnow that several investors initiated conversations to pull out of South Florida following Irma. He said these clients were new to the market and had yet to experience a strong hurricane. Instead of going through the patching and rebuilding process, these clients wanted to switch to assets that require less responsibility and were in areas that were not as vulnerable to storms and shifts in the market.

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