Commercial Real Estate, Capital, Insurance, Leasing & Management

Franklin Street Office and Industrial adds Associate Director and Brokerage Coordinator

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Franklin Street's Office and Industrial division brings on Brad Saulson and Jacki Coolidge to the Tampa office.

BradSaulson_smallBrad Saulson
Date added: May 21, 2015
Submission Type: New Hire
Current employer: Franklin Street
Current title/position: Associate Director, Office and Industrial
Industry: Commercial Real Estate
Duties/responsibilities: Saulson specializes in landlord representation for property owners and institutional clients throughout Tampa Bay. He also represents tenants for the acquisition and disposition of real estate.

JackiCoolidge_smallJacki Coolidge
Date added: May 21, 2015
Submission Type: New Hire
Current employer: Franklin Street
Current title/position: Brokerage Coordinator, Office and Industrial Services
Industry: Commercial Real Estate
Duties/responsibilities: Coolidge is responsible for her division’s administrative, market, research, and analytical functions, contract management, financial and revenue reporting duties, and supporting office and industrial staff.

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