Commercial Real Estate, Capital, Insurance, Leasing & Management

Ask the Expert: How can insurance agents help commercial real estate owners lower renewal costs?

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Ryan Cassidy and Evan Seacat share tips for cutting commercial property insurance rates.

Ask the Expert: How can CRE insurance agents help property owners lower their renewal costs?

“We always ask our clients to have open communication with us. We, as their agent and insurance representative, need to know when they have updated their roofs, added sprinklers, updated their plumbing…any value added to the property that can possibly lower premiums. 

Allow us to have access to the carriers that we feel will bring the best value and price to the specific property we are trying to insure. Franklin Street has access to proprietary master policy insurance programs. Through economies of scale we can create an option that provides superior coverage and pricing, while still meeting all major lender requirements.”

Evan Seacat
Senior Director
Franklin Street Insurance Services
[email protected]
954.640.1100 x 0505  

Ryan Cassidy
Senior Director
Franklin Street Insurance Services
[email protected]
954.640.1100 x 0509  


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