Commercial Real Estate, Capital, Insurance, Leasing & Management

Landlords, Retailers in Metro Atlanta Impacted by COVID-19

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Franklin Street’s Greg Eisenman and Sam Krueger lend their expertise to REBusinessOnline

Landlords, Retailers in Metro Atlanta Impacted by COVID-19 Seek Middle Ground in Lease Negotiations

Excerpted from REBusiness Online
The financial impact the COVID-19 economic shutdown is having on tenants and landlords is a difficult mix of immediate drastic reduction (or elimination) of revenue, along with little or no ability to forecast when the end will come. This combination of severity and unclear duration makes finding potential win-win compromises a real challenge for tenants and landlords in the metro Atlanta area.

While deal pipelines across the industry have ground to a halt, companies, teams and individuals are using this sudden influx of time as an opportunity to take up important tasks that, while not producing revenue, will set up future opportunities. They are catching up on conversations, expanding their networks, engaging with social media, doing industry research, continuing their professional educations and learning new skills.

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